Friday, April 22, 2011

Like a Witch's Tit?

I dunno about you, but this is a hell of a promise or guarantee...

The Beach is over there ---->
You're welcome and have a great Good Friday!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Moundy Strikes Again

I received this one from our dear old (and 6 months pregnant) Moundy McTits!  I consider this a FoF representation of a tragic area code:

You shouldn't be THAT proud of "The Fort"!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Shakespearean Insults for the Day | Issue #1

While cleaning off our bookshelf at work, we came across a book called 'Barbs from the Bard', that I briefly thumbed through (I have my own copy somewhere; packed) before, but wanted to share some of its contents with you.  You never know when you will come across someone who is so Full-On Fail with a bonus limited intelligence to use these on!

Insult #1: O, if men were to be saved by merit, what hole in hell were hot enough for you?
~Henry IV Part: I, 2~

Translation: You're the lowest of the low, by any standard worth naming.

Insult #2: Thy sin's not accidental, but a trade.
~Measure for Measure III, I~

Translation: You're a real pro...

Insult #3: Assume a virtue, if you have it not.
~Hamlet III, 4~

Translation: At least pretend you've got some shame.

I am going to try to keep these up on a regular basis.  I wouldn't want to give you too much awesomeness all at once!

Reference: Barbs from the Bard: Shakespearean Insults with Modern Translations; Viner, M.; Rudnicki, S.; New Millennium Press * (2000).

An Extra Bit of Fail From Vacation Land

While send a new picture to my boyfriend's iPhone 4 (yeah, I know, but I won't FoF him for it), I remembered we saw this little gem at one of those arcade areas in the movie theater when we went to go see Sucker Punch on vacation:

You're welcome, and have a great day!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Givin' it up to 'The Huff'

So, when I got home and had a chance to play around with Facebook for two seconds while preparing dinner and getting the munchkin's homework done and a plethora of other things ( a lady's work is never done!), I came across the "9 Least Appetizing Food Names" from the Huffington Post (

Sadly, they missed out on the Spotted Dick:

Not sure if I should be happy or sad that you can microwave it?!?! >.>
Thanks, 'Huff', for that chuckle between evening chores!

P.S. Hello to my 69th FoF posting!  Have a great night!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Some Extra Randoms That Just FoF

Here are a few randoms that have been compiled the last few days from random sources.  The first one is from Mary Brown:

He was hairy, those shorts were tiny, and it was a breezy day. 'Nuff said.
This one was a random Facebook find:

Anus Wraps, not sure if that is a seller >.>
The smallest car rental in the U.S., I bet:

The real question is, "If the rental structure is that small, how big are the cars?"
Finally, this is something I have been meaning to post, but my sister actually came across the picture already taken:

Even this bag knows you will be happier if you spit; not swallow!
I have a few more in the works, but that's all you get for now.  Have a great FoF night!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

One of These Things Just Ain't Like The Others

I am calling, "Shenanigans" on the last batch of baby carrots I bought; this is false advertising!!!! =D

That is NOT a "baby" carrot!

Full-On Accident Waiting to Happen

Normally, I am not so aggrevated, but this one really became "Full-On" fast.  The license plate and pic of the douchebag Hummer are so fail because the almost caused an accident by failing to even pause for a 4-way stop intersection not more than a mile from my house.  So, sir/or madam, this edition of FoF is dedicated to the accident I am sure you will cause in the near future if you continue to drive in that manner.