Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Little Help From My Friends (Even When They Don't Know It)!

Hiyas all!

One of the main reasons I refuse to delete my Facebook (not the only one, though) comes from the pictures posted by my friends.  Sometimes they come up with some real winners!

The first FoF that gave me a chuckle this morning:

Men's Lingerie?  'Nuff Said?
The second one is a childhood friend's profile picture and the major fashion faux pas that ensued:

It is never okay to wear sandals (thongs) and socks.  Every Floridian (temporary or permanent) knows that!!!
The 3rd and 4th FoF are a CcccccOMBO!  A Target so large you need an escalator to get your cart around:

Like we don't already spend too much at this store to begin with...

Even more perplexing, how do you retrieve your bountiful cart (with purse)?
And, that's all I got for now.  Hopefully, my friends can continue reeling in the good ones! =)

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