Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Speedicath: Info-FoF On The Go!

This one is from my dear friend, Mary Brown:

"It's evening and I'm settling down to watch some brain candy TV. Man v. Food it is.

This commercial/infomercial comes on for Speedicath from (wait for it) Liberator Medical Supply Company. My mind begins to swirl:

1. Who is this marketed toward?
2. What in the WORLD is a Speedicath?

I listen and the questions just keep coming as the lady describes their discrete design and how you never touch the catheter itself. The questions continue:

3. Is this for those times when women can't just hop out of the car and pee when stuck in highway traffic. We can Speedicath ourselves and use the bottle our man used?
4. Is this a REAL medical problem that women with bladder issues need an infomercial for?
5. Are there closet cathers out there who just can't go into public because their current cathing tools are too bulky to take out? And YES I just made up two words in one sentence.

Then.....I get to the last page. Let me point out a few things:

1. The name of the company is Liberator Medical Supply (Liberate me from having to pee)
2. You get a FREE Compact Sample Pack with a MEMBERSHIP in the Catheter Care Program....WHAT IN THE WORLD kind of cult is this?
3. Their slogan is "You've been patient long enough". Which is why I think this is for those time that you are stuck on the highway, or there is a long line at the football game and you just can't stand it any longer. Whip out your handy dandy catheter and VOILA relief?

My head is still spinning....what is this? I'm afraid to go to the website."

<3 Mary Brown

 Well, you know me, I had to go look at the site...

On the go catheters for women on-the-go?  Perplexing and mind boggling all at the same time! =)

<3 The Happy Cynic!

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