Friday, October 29, 2010

Too Cute to REALLY Fail!

So, it started when I was on my "Crunchy Roll" account and I saw an image of a panda on a rocking horse.  My first thought was "photoshopped". 

The image in question was found on courtesy of the Huffington Post:
 I conducted a search for this type of thing, i.e. "panda on a rocking horse", which is apparently a very popular search.

Not only did I find the cutest fails ever, but I also learned a bit too. 1) They are playful, hence the rocking, 2) They can act drunk if they drink too much water, and 3) the babies start out at the size of a stick of butter (and hairless LOL).

Here are a few of the pics I found:

Yippee Ki Yay!!!

And this little panda went "Weeeee, weeee, weeee" all the way down!

Even a Face Plant Fail is FTW Funny!

From came these less than dexterous cubs in a rocking horse fail situation, but still it is too cute!

I can just image the caption for this one: "When is it going to be my turn?"
"Back off bitches; I look smooth on this rocker!"
Finally, on the last page (For the San Diego Zoo) during my quest for information, I found these Fun Facts:

I know these aren't very "Full-On", but they were cute dang it and I wanted to share!!!!

If you are interested in seeing a presumably drunk (on water) panda, go to: Drunken Panda Playing

Here are two rocking panda videos: Panda Rocking with Keeper and Big Badda Boom Baby Panda Rocker 

Feeling Like an FoF

It has been a bit since my last update, and I feel a bit "Full-On", but I promise to post some rare gems soon!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Full-On Picture Montage

When all else Fails (pun intended) and you have nothing to say, us a picture montage to say everything for you!

My friend is FoF

Facebook is FoF

Well, Canada does have the biggest CN I know inhabiting it...LOL

I know it is for the boilermakers...but it is so much fun to add your own "B" words when it is set in a license plate.

Klassy Fail

Every grocery should sell it...

Not sure what is going on back there with that lady and those dogs; it can't be good though...

School just isn't what it used to be...
...told ya....