Sunday, September 25, 2011

Over the Moon Over Those Panters!

Yes, I found another sad display of team spirit.  What should have been "Panthers" was reduced to "Panters"...


In addition, you will find they went for the "G.W. (gee-dubya)" phonetic spelling of spirit.  They opted for "spirt".

I can only assume they traded all possible knowledge of the English language for all this "Panter Spirt"!

Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

A Few Words From Proud Mary Brown

I give this post to Mary Brown:

As we were leaving Target, I caught sight of the banner above the Dollar Store Wall. $1 for steak....3.5 oz steak. If you do the math, a Quarter Pounder is 4oz, but if you "Hurry while supplies last" (That's what is written in fine print on the banner) you can get a 3.5 oz steak for a DOLLAR.
Do they even have refrigeration at the Dollar Store?
Do you think Papa John enjoys one of his drivers with a "SOGGY" sticker on the back of their car?
<3  Mary Brown

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Avocado Spice FoF

This little entry came from Moundy.  I am not sure which Sushi Bar this sign came from, but it definitely was not proofread:

It is a little foggy, but I can translate this (sort of) for you:

Sushi Bar Special
Summer Roll
Inside: Salmon Tuna
Avocado Spicy Mayoness
"Indiscernible Green Writing" $10.95

Now, I am hungry for some sushi!  Hold the Mayoness, though!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Facepalms and Full-On Fails

It amazes me when people don't proofread or lack the analytical comprehension of grammar and word mechanics and still make it public.  I mean, yes, we all flub on occasion and even go back and fix it with the proverbial asterisk (*).  Here are a few examples of what make me facepalm:

I don't care who you are, but these make me sad and the montage below says what my words are lacking!!!

I wish you all a great evening!