Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pedo-Van FoF Style

Often there are times I see work vans going down the road or parked at shopping centers and I wonder, "Which of these could be Pedo-Vans?".  Look no further folks, I think I found the vehicle that wins first prize:

The kids come a runnin' and they even followed the rules: No Parking on Grass!
To keep things going, in FoF tradition, this pedo-van also, ironically, pulled out on Moundy McT later in the afternoon.  She, of course, snapped a pic and sent it to me!  Here you go kiddies (no pun intended):

However, the euphemism above was completely intended!
That is all for now, folks.  I hope you like the new style and I hope to have more fail (FoF) for you soon!

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