Friday, May 21, 2010

Full-On Friday!

Things That Full-On Fail:

Work...(At least it's Friday!)

AFK in the Most Inopportune Times (You people know who you are!)

Dumb People (Always a WIN or a Full-On Fail in this case!!!)

Exes (Of either sexual persuasion; they just F-O Fail)

Shitty Weather (In general, but definitely shit-tastic on the weekends)

Women... (I am a woman, but you all know the crazies I speak of)

This was just a little something to get to the weekend.  All pictures are courtesy of 5 minutes of random Google searching.  I had a few key points I wanted to hit, but felt it was unfair to not provide a little graphic representation.

I have trip planned for the end of this week, and you better believe my camera will be in hand while I walk around the TX airport!!!

Stay tuned....

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