Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Welcome to Full-On Fail

Have you ever witnessed something so fail, you knew it was bigger than an epic fail?  It was like a grouping or a layering of failures so amazing and horrible that you couldn't look away?  You know, what I am talking about.  Those, my friends, are straight up "Full-On Fails"!

This blog will be my staging ground for all things, including stories and pictures, that capture the onion-like essence of the failures we see on a pretty regular basis.

To start you kiddies off right, I have two wonderful images to share:

I would like to thank my sister for this gem....

I would like to thank my friend Jenny's husband, Eric, for giving me night terrors that a brillo pad could not scrub away!

And, my mom for being wicked enough to put her dog in this dress =D

Please stay tuned for more Full-On Fails........

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